Byerly Computer Services

CALL US: 701 577 1858
Monday thru Friday
9am to 4pm
Since 2014 our cleanup was $80. Thanks to Biden and the politicians in DC we are forced to increase that to $100.
312 14th Street West
Williston ND
Scammers and how did it happen
Three different ways: opened an email that was not real; answered a unsolicited phone call (This is _______ and you have a problem with your computer) or you were performing a search of the internet and clicked on a link the bad guys created that looks real.
If you let them in as a result of a phone call it is a bit different just skip the next paragraph.
The other two ways usually end up with a big box in the middle of your screen saying: DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER. CALL THIS NUMBER IMMEDIATELY. If you had turned off the computer without calling you are probably okay. Nothing bad happened but you should run CCleaner and Malwarebytes that are on your computer if we have worked on it before. Also, when you go back into your internet browser it may ask if you want to restore your pages – answer NO or just click the X to close the message.
If you went through with calling them and letting them into your computer they probably have stolen any and all information you have on the computer. Email addresses, bank account information, Credit card info – just about anything of value. They probably have install software that allows them to keep accessing your computer even after you shut it down.
If later you get phone calls from anyone about this, just hang up the phone. Don't even talk to them.
If you gave them a credit card number to pay for “tech support” call the card company and cancel the transaction. Also alert your bank and change passwords on any online accounts you might have (Amazon, Paypal, etc.) All financial companies know what to do with computer scammers if you let them know. If you went to Walmart and got money cards you are out of luck – kiss the money good-bye.
Call your financial institutions and let them know. Same with credit card companies, financial advisors, etc. If you do online shopping you MUST change all of your passwords for every website or company. Change your email passwords. Any sites you referenced on your computer that relates to goods or money need attention.
If you get the “Call This Number” scam on your screen you can try the following: Hold down the CTRL and ALT at the same time. Press the DEL key while those are down. You will get a menu – select “Task Manager”. A box will open up and you will see the internet browser you are using. RIGHT CLICK on it and select “END TASK”. Close the box and restart the computer. When you go back into your internet browser it will ask if you want to restore the pages – say NO or red X out of the message. You should be clear to continue. If you did let someone into your computer this will not help – it will need to be inspected for infections.