Byerly Computer Services

CALL US: 701 577 1858
Monday thru Friday
9am to 4pm
Since 2014 our cleanup was $80. Thanks to Biden and the politicians in DC we are forced to increase that to $100.
312 14th Street West
Williston ND
Williston's first full service computer company - Since 1981 - We only do computers!

We are now located at 312 14th Street West.
1/2 block west of Simonson's gas station and Kentucky Fried Chicken
Always Open Over the Lunch Hour
Monday to Friday
Summer: 9 AM to 4 PM
Winter: 9 AM to 4 PM

With a long and storied history in the computer business, Rex and Linda Byerly have been helping locals and businesses alike for over forty years in Williston. Between them, they have over 90 years of collective computer experience. In addition, their son Ross joined the business in 2012 to continue the tradition of timely service at a REASONABLE cost - without compromising quality.