Byerly Computer Services

CALL US: 701 577 1858
Monday thru Friday
9am to 4pm
Since 2014 our cleanup was $80. Thanks to Biden and the politicians in DC we are forced to increase that to $100.
312 14th Street West
Williston ND
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you buy computers? Generally we do not. Depending on the computer, we might be interested but we cannot tell until we actually see the computer. Please call first and we can talk it over.
Do you recycle old computers? Yes, we recycle laptops and desktops at NO CHARGE. When we do this, we securely destroy all your personal information from the hard drives before disposing of your equipment in an environmentally safe way.
How long will you need my computer to do a clean up? We will probably need at least 5 hours because of Microsoft updates. If we get the machine before 10:30am, you might get it back the same day. Worst case, you will get it back no later than the next business day.
Is an appointment needed? No, we take machines on a "first come, first served" basis.
What does it cost to see what is wrong with my computer? Nothing. We do not charge to diagnose problems. If the problem is one we cannot fix, we charge nothing.
If I have a hardware problem, what will it cost to fix it? Before we do any repairs, we will contact you and give a fixed price and timing for the repairs.
Are you open on the weekends? No. Monday thru Friday - 9am to 4pm or 5pm depending on season. We are open over the lunch hour.
Do you repair/fix Apple products? No. Apple products require Apple approved tools and parts and we are not authorized to work on them so we don't.
Do you require a retainer to help us? NEVER. Why should you have to bribe us to help you? It never made sense to us because we give everyone, no matter their size, the quickest, best service possible.